A Recovery Order is an Order of the Court which can require a child to be returned to:
👶 a parent of the child
👶 a person who has a parenting order which states the child is to live with, spend time with, or communicate with, that person, or
👶 a person who has parental responsibility for the child.
If your child/ren normally live with you and the other parent is refusing to return them to you, you may be able to apply for a recovery order.
This is also the case when you have parenting orders, and the other parent is preventing your child from living or spending time with you in accordance with those orders.
We are are a family law focused firm – it is what we know, it is what we specialise in, it is what we love and it is all that we do (aside from some associated estate planning that comes along with family law). We are not your average lawyers – we are friendly and approachable and work flexible hours to fit in with you. You can always reach us.